Richard Calder books for sale - use the search engine right, type Calder in the author section.

Richard Calder (born 1956, London) is a notable British science fiction writer who lives and works in the East End of London, but who spent over a decade in Thailand (1990–1997) and the Philippines (1999–2002).

He began publishing stories in 1989, and first came to wider notice with the postcyberpunk novel Dead Girls (1992). Dead Girls expanded into an acclaimed trilogy of books, for which he was compared to William Gibson, J.G. Ballard and Alfred Bester. The Edge said: "Richard Calder's 'Dead' trilogy was perhaps the most extraordinary of the many postcyberpunk science fictions." In 2004 Dead Girls was reportedly under option to a film production company.



You may like to add to Richard Calder's entry that the film version of Dead Girls fell through but that he is turning the film script into a graphic novel which will first be serialised in the quarterly magazine Murky Depths, with Part 1 appearing in Issue #9. Richard Calder's new site is at
