Katherine Kurtz books for sale - use the search engine right, type Kurtz in the author section.

Katherine (Irene) Kurtz (born 18 October 1944) is the author of numerous fantasy novels, especially the Deryni novels. Although born in America, for the past several years, up until just recently, she has lived in a castle in Ireland. (Ireland does not tax book royalties, which policy was designed to encourage native-born writers, but it has also encouraged writers from other countries to immigrate as tax exiles.) She now lives in Virginia.

She is known to be friends with Anne McCaffrey and frequently converses with her fans online.

She was a member of the Swordsmen and Sorcerers' Guild of America (SAGA), a loose-knit group of Heroic Fantasy authors founded in the 1960s, some of whose works were anthologized in Lin Carter's Flashing Swords! anthologies. She also was an early member of the Society for Creative Anachronism; in her persona of Bevan Fraser of Stirling she achieved the rank of Duchess, ruling the Kingdom of the West as Queen Consort on two occasions.